Canada International Peace Festival 

The International Peace Festival | Festival International de la Paix (IPF | FIP) celebrates UN – International Day of Peace, every September 21st and is committed to innovative perspectives on peace as promoted through the arts. IPF-FIP’s year round screening, panels and events help to cultivate a burgeoning peace-building international community committed to the role and value of art and culture in peace and reconciliation processes. The IPF-FIP profiles a variety of events including film premieres and screenings, musical performances, art exhibitions, educational panels, high-level networking, social gatherings, and culminates with the Global Peace Ambassadors Gala and the International Peace Festival Awards Show.

The International Peace Festival is more than just an event – it’s a cultural phenomenon. The IPF 2024 stands as a powerful force for unity and peace, offering an alternative path. It celebrates the beauty of diversity and promotes peace through understanding.

Unforgettable experiences await with the IPF’s Opening Ceremony celebrating the UN International Day of Peace being held on 21 Sept 2024, beginning at 11am at the Toronto City Hall. Entry to the Welcoming Ceremony is Free.

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